Welcome to the Sustainable Slow Steaming for Low Carbon Shipping project website.
A new editorial book on applications of CFD in the field of ship hydrodynamics.
Professor PhD Nastia Degiuli and PhD Ivana Martić have published the editorial book CFD Applications in Ship and Offshore Hydrodynamics based on the successful special issue in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. The book includes sixteen original scientific papers and provides a comprehensive overview of successful CFD applications in the field of naval …
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Faculty day 2024, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
On November 8th, project team members from the Chair of Ship Hydrodynamics have been recognized and awarded for their exceptional work and contributions!Prof. PhD Nastia Degiuli has been awarded the Grand Medal, a distinguished recognition for her contribution to the improvement, development, and promotion of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture at the …
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Project Day of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture 2024
Members of the project team participated in the Project Day of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024. PhD Ivana Martić presented the CSF project STARSHIP—Sustainable slow steaming for low carbon shipping, and a poster of the project was displayed during the poster session.The brochure of selected projects of …
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Valčić, Marko; Martić, Ivana; Degiuli, Nastia; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio; Zhang, Mingyang
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Methods for the Prediction of Brake Power and Rate of Revolution for Bulk Carriers
Ocean engineering (2025), 322; 120517
Degiuli, Nastia ; Martić, Ivana; Pedišić Buča, Marta; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio
Benchmark study on resistance and propulsion characteristics of a 6750-TEU container ship
Ocean engineering (2025), 319; 120300
Degiuli, Nastia; Martić, Ivana; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio
Slow Steaming as a Sustainable Measure for Low-Carbon Maritime Transport
Sustainability (2024), 16, 19; 11169
Degiuli, Nastia; Martić, Ivana
CFD Applications in Ship and Offshore Hydrodynamics
Journal of marine science and engineering (2024), 12, 11; 1926
Martić, Ivana; Degiuli, Nastia; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio; Borčić, Kornelija; Andrišić, Josip; Lalović, Igor
Impact of the Longitudinal Center of Buoyancy on the Total Resistance of a Passenger Ship
Journal of marine science and engineering (2024), 12, 10; 1749
Grlj, Carlo Giorgio; Degiuli, Nastia; Martić, Ivana
Experimental and numerical assessment of the effect of speed and loading conditions on the nominal wake of a containership
Brodogradnja (2024), 75, 4; 75405
Martić, Ivana; Anušić, Barbara; Degiuli, Nastia; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio
Numerically Investigating the Effect of Trim on the Resistance of a Container Ship in Confined and Shallow Water
Applied sciences (2024), 14, 15; 6570
Balas, Marijana; Dejhalla, Roko; Prpić-Oršić
Hydrodynamic Aspects of a Ship in Weather Routing within the Context of Slow Steaming
Journal of Maritime and Transportation Sciences, Special edition (2024), 5; 125-137
Sjerić, Momir; Tomić, Rudolf; Martić, Ivana; Degiuli, Nastia; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio
Environmental and Economic Aspects of a Containership Engine Performance in Off-Design Conditions
Applied Sciences (2024), 14, 11; 4634
Pelić, Vladimir; Mrakovčić, Tomislav; Radonja, Radoslav; Bukovac, Ozren
The Influence of Reduction in Sailing Speed on The Efficiency and Energy Potential of the Waste Heat of the Marine Diesel Engine
Journal of Maritime & Transportation Sciences, Special edition (2024), 5; 49-64
Martić, Ivana; Degiuli, Nastia; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio
Scaling of wave energy converters for optimum performance in the Adriatic sea
Energy (2024), 294; 130922
Paneer, Manigandan; Bašić, Josip; Sedlar, Damir; Lozina, Željan; Degiuli, Nastia; Peng, Chong
Fluid Structure Interaction Using Modal Superposition and Lagrangian CFD
Journal of marine science and engineering (2024), 12, 2; 318
Farkas, Andrea; Degiuli, Nastia; Ivan, Tomljenović; Martić, Ivana
Numerical investigation of interference effects for the Delft 372 catamaran
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M-Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (2023), 0, 0; 1-10
Martić, Ivana; Degiuli, Nastia; Borčić, Kornelija; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio
Numerical Assessment of the Resistance of a Solar Catamaran in Shallow Water
Journal of marine science and engineering (2023), 11, 9; 1706
Grlj, Carlo Giorgio; Degiuli, Nastia; Martić, Ivana
The Impact of Numerical Parameters on the Resistance Characteristics of a Container Ship at the Model and Full Scale
Journal of marine science and engineering (2023), 11, 9; 1672
Martić, Ivana; Degiuli, Nastia; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio
Prediction of Added Resistance of Container Ships in Regular Head Waves using an Artificial Neural Network
Journal of marine science and engineering (2023),11, 7; 1293
Degiuli, Nastia; Martić, Ivana; Farkas, Andrea; Pedišić Buča, Marta; Dejhalla, Roko; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio
Experimental assessment of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a bulk carrier in off-design conditions
Ocean engineering (2023),280; 1-16
Guzović, Zvonimir; Barbarić, Marina; Bačelić Medić, Zlatko; Degiuli, Nastia
New Software for the Techno–Economic Analysis of Small Hydro Power Plants
Water (2023), 15, 9; 1651
Pelić, Vladimir; Bukovac, Ozren, Radonja, Radoslav; Degiuli, Nastia
The Impact of Slow Steaming on Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions of a Container Ship
Journal of marine science and engineering (2023), 11, 3; 1-19
Farkas, Andrea; Degiuli, Nastia; Martić, Ivana; Mikulić, Antonio
Benefits of slow steaming in realistic sailing conditions along different sailing routes
Ocean engineering (2023), 275 ; 1-13
Bašić, Josip; Degiuli, Nastia; Malenica, Šime
Insight into Hydrodynamic Damping of a Segmented Barge Using Numerical Free-Decay Test
Journal of marine science and engineering (2023), 11, 3; 1-15
Grlj, Carlo Giorgio; Degiuli, Nastia; Tuković, Željko; Farkas, Andrea; Martić, Ivana
The effect of loading conditions and ship speed on the wind and air resistance of a containership
Ocean engineering (2023), 273; 1-20
Degiuli, Nastia; Farkas, Andrea; Martić, Ivana; Subašić, David; Dejhalla, Roko
Reconstruction of Hull Form of Traditional Croatian Fishing Vessel and Prediction of Effective Power
Naše more : znanstveni časopis za more i pomorstvo, (2023), 70, 1; 1-10
Degiuli, Nastia; Farkas, Andrea; Martić, Ivana; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio
Optimization of Maintenance Schedule for Containerships Sailing in the Adriatic Sea
Journal of marine science and engineering (2023), 11, 1; 201
Song, Soonseok; Terziev, Momchil; Tezdogan, Tahsin; Demirel, Yigit Kemal; Muscat-Fenech, Claire De Marco; Incecik, Atilla
Investigating roughness effects on ship resistance in shallow waters
Ocean Engineering (2023), 270; 113643
Farkas, Andrea; Degiuli, Nastia; Martić, Ivana; Ančić, Ivica
Energy savings potential of hull cleaning in a shipping industry
Journal of cleaner production (2022), 134000
Farkas, Andrea; Degiuli, Nastia; Martić, Ivana; Grlj, Carlo Giorgio
Is slow steaming a viable option to meet the novel energy efficiency requirements for containerships?
Journal of cleaner production (2022), 374; 133915
Grlj, Carlo Giorgio; Degiuli, Nastia; Farkas, Andrea; Martić, Ivana
Numerical Study of Scale Effects on Open Water Propeller Performance
Journal of marine science and engineering (2022), 10, 8; 1132
Braut, Sanjin; Tevčić, Marina; Butković, Mirko; Žigulić, Roberto; Božić, Željko
Fatigue strength analysis of an axial compressor blade using the modified Locati method
Engineering Failure Analysis (2022), 141; 106655
Pelić, Vladimir; Mrakovčić, Tomislav; Radonja, Radoslav; Račić, Nikola
Technical and Ecological Aspects of Water-lubricated Stern Tube Bearings
Journal of Maritime & Transportation Sciences, Special edition (2022), 4; 289-304
Degiuli, Nastia; Farkas, Andrea; Martić, Ivana; Gospić, Ivan
GHG Abatement Potential Due to the Implementation of Slow Steaming
Časopis Pomorskog fakulteta Kotor − Journal of Maritime Sciences (2022), 23, 1; 127-140
Gospić, Ivan; Martić, Ivana; Degiuli, Nastia; Farkas, Andrea
Energetic and Ecological Effects of the Slow Steaming Application and Gasification of Container Ships
Journal of marine science and engineering (2022), 10, 5; 1-31
Farkas, Andrea; Degiuli, Nastia; Martić, Ivana; Barbarić, Marina; Guzović, Zvonimir
The impact of biofilm on marine current turbine performance
Renewable energy, (2022)
Degiuli, Nastia; Martić, Ivana; Farkas, Andrea; Gospić, Ivan
The impact of slow steaming on reducing CO2 emissions in the Mediterranean Sea
Energy Reports (2021), 7; 8131-8141
Degiuli, Nastia; Farkas, Andrea; Martić, Ivana; Zeman, Ivan; Ruggiero, Valerio; Vasiljević, Vedran
Numerical and experimental assessment of the total resistance of a yacht
Brodogradnja (2021), 72, 3; 61-80
Martić, Ivana; Degiuli, Nastia; Majetić, Dubravko; Farkas, Andrea
Artificial Neural Network Model for the Evaluation of Added Resistance of Container Ships in Head Waves
Journal of marine science and engineering (2021), 9, 8; 1-23
Farkas, Andrea; Degiuli, Nastia; Martić, Ivana
A novel method for the determination of frictional resistance coefficient for a plate with inhomogeneous roughness
Ocean engineering (2021), 237; 1-14