Project manager prof. PhD Nastia Degiuli gave a presentation entitled „The effect of speed reduction on the environmental performance of a containership“ at the symposium 17th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, held 6-10 November 2023 in Paphos, Cipar.
IMAM 2022
Members of the research project team attended the international conference “The 19th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, IMAM 2022” which was held in Istanbul, Turkey, 26-29 September 2022 with three research articles:
- Grlj, C. G., Degiuli, N., Farkas, A. & Martić, I. (2022) The influence of numerical parameters on the total resistance of a container ship. Proceedings of The 19th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2022, pp. 33-40.
- Farkas, A., Degiuli, N., Tomljenović, I. & Martić, I. (2022) Numerical investigation of interference effects for the Delft 372 catamaran. Proceedings of The 19th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2022, pp. 67-74.
- Martić, I., Degiuli, N., Farkas, A. & Grlj, C. G. (2022) The application of ANN in estimating added resistance of container ships in regular head waves. Proceedings of The 19th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2022, pp. 175-182.
Member of the research project team PhD Ivana Martić chaired two sections at the conference – “Hydrodynamics-waves” and “Hydrodynamics – propulsion & resistance.
Rector’s award for the academic year 2021./2022.
Ivan Tomljenović, univ. bacc. ing. mech., a graduate student in mechanical engineering, majoring in engineering modeling and computer simulations at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture is the winner of the Rector’s award for the academic year 2021/2022. for the paper entitled “Numerical investigation of the influence of interference on the total resistance of the catamaran Delft 372” written as part of the Croatian Science Foundation research project IP-2020-02-8568, “Sustainable low-speed navigation for low-carbon shipping”.
Dr. sc. Nastia Degiuli, full professor
Dr. sc. Andrea Farkas
SORTA 2022
Members of the research project participated at the 25th Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding in memoriam prof. Leopold Sorta (SORTA 2022) held in Malinska 7-9 September 2022 with three extended abstracts:
- Farkas, A., Degiuli, N., Gluščić, P., Martić, I., & Grlj, C.G. (2022). Numerical Assessment of the Nominal Wake for the Japan Bulk Carrier. Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding, In Memoriam prof. Leopold Sorta (SORTA 2022), Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 3-4.
- Martić, I., Degiuli, N., Farkas, A., & Grlj, C.G. (2022). The Prediction of Added Resistance in Waves at the Preliminary Design Phase of a Container Ship Based on an Artificial Neural Network. Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding, In Memoriam prof. Leopold Sorta (SORTA 2022), Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 5-6.
- Grlj, C.G., Degiuli, N., Farkas, A., & Martić, I. (2022). The Impact of Numerical Parameters on the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of a Post-Panamax Containership, Proceedings of the 25th Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding, In Memoriam prof. Leopold Sorta (SORTA 2022), Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 7-8.
Members of the CSF STARSHIP project team cited in the ITTC committees
In the twenty-ninth report of two committees of the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) entitled “The Specialist Committee on CFD and EFD Combined Methods – Final Report and Recommendations to the 29th ITTC” and “The Resistance and Propulsion Committee – Final Report and Recommendations to the 29th ITTC” four papers, written by the members of the Croatian Science Foundation (CSF) – STARSHIP project team, were cited.
These are the following papers:
- Farkas, A., Degiuli, N., & Martić, I. (2017). Numerical simulation of viscous flow around a tanker model. Brodogradnja: Teorija i praksa brodogradnje i pomorske tehnike, Vol. 68, No. 2, pp. 109-125.
- Farkas, A., Degiuli, N., & Martić, I. (2018). Assessment of hydrodynamic characteristics of a full-scale ship at different draughts. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 156, pp. 35-152.
- Farkas, A., Degiuli, N., & Martić, I. (2018). Towards the prediction of the effect of biofilm on the ship resistance using CFD. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 167, pp. 169-186.
- Farkas, A., Degiuli, N., & Martić, I. (2020). Impact of biofilm on the resistance characteristics and nominal wake. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, Vol. 234, No. 1, pp. 59-75.