On July, 21st 2022 the student Katarina Martić has successfully defended her master’s thesis under the title Effect of trim on the total resistance of a container ship, as a part of the project STARSHIP.
8. PhD Workshop
On the 8th Annual PhD Workshop of the doctoral study Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture, Aeronautical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering held on July 4th 2022 at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, PhD student on CSF research project STARSHIP Carlo Giorgio Grlj, mag. ing. aeroing. gave a presentation entitled “The Impact of Slow Steaming on Ship Hydrodynamic Characteristics”.
5th SEE Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
Project manager prof. PhD Nastia Degiuli gave a presentation entitled “Assessment of the impact of biofilm on the energy efficiency of containerships in the Adriatic Sea” at the symposium 5th SEE Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, held 22-26 May 2022 in Vlore, Albania.
Nominal wake test for the container ship model
On April 12 and 14, 2022, members of the research project team conducted nominal wake test for the container ship model at the Brodarski Institute under two loading conditions. Naval architecture students and Erasmus students attended the experiment with the aim of learning about the process of preparing and conducting experimental tests in ship hydrodynamics.